Classroom activity organised for M.A (Eng) Final year students.

‘Each One Teach One’ –an extempore classroom activity was organized by Dr. Manjula Goel on 12th September 2019 for M.A. English Final year students. The students came out with their varied opinions and observations on the given topic. Pramjeet, Renuka, Manish, Kunal, and Vijay actively participated in this event. They opined that Education is an important aspect of human growth and also a fundamental principle for survival because the intellectual development of an individual is directly related to his education. The students of literature, in particular, imbibe more moral and spiritual values, which are the backbone of any society. The event ended with Dr. Manjula Goel’s concluding remarks that Education is a great tool, which can convert a developing country into a developed one. The activity elicited a hugely positive response from all present. This report of the activity was compiled by final year students–Renuka and Pramjeet.

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