Code of Conduct for Students
- A student must always be in the possession of his/her Identity Card. Entry without identity card is strictly banned.
- Moving about in disorderly manner and creating disturbance is strictly prohibited. Students are expected to make use of college library/common room.
- To maintain academic environment, students must wear decent clothes.
- To maintain cleanliness and avoid dropping litter in the college campus.
- To observe the habit of forming queue whenever required.
- To be sensitive to environment and ecosystem.
- To keep updated by regular visiting notice board while entering and leaving the college.
- No student is allowed to use the name or campus of the college in any publication or outside activity without prior permission of the Principal.
- Vehicles should be parked only in the parking lots provided and using Helmet is compulsory.
- Ragging is strictly prohibited.
- Indiscipline during any activity/functions of the college will be viewed seriously subject to punishment.
Code of Conduct for Teachers
When a teacher adopts teaching as a profession, he/she assumes the obligation to conduct himself/herself in accordance with the ideal precedence and practices of the profession. A Teacher should co-operate and assist in carrying out t all the functioning of educational and administrative responsibilities of the college and university as per rules and regulations of the affiliating University, Government and University Grants Commission. The faculty should:
- Work ethically in discharging their professional responsibilities.
- Respect the dignity of the students in expressing his/her opinion. Encourage students to improve their attainments and develop their capabilities.
- Inculcate values, ethics and scientific outlook among students.
- Treat other members of the profession in a manner suitable and ideal to the profession and speak respectfully with the colleagues.
- Behave decently with fellow colleagues irrespective of caste, religion, creed and gender.
- Treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in the institution.
- Cooperate with the authorities for the overall development of the institution keeping in view the interest and in conformity with dignity of the profession.
- Recognize that education is a public service/good and strive to keep the public aware of the educational programmes which are being provided.
- Participate in community services at large.
- Work to improve education in the community and strengthen the community’s moral and spiritual well-being.
Code of Conduct for Administrative Staff
Administrative staff/Non-teaching staff of the college should provide assistance in all the affairs/activities of the education institution other than teaching. Administrative/Non-teaching staff should:
- Work ethically in discharging their professional responsibilities according to the set rules and regulations.
- Develop cooperative and friendly relationship with the faculty members of the institution.
- Behave politely and compassionately with students.
- Enhance individual skills to efficiently adapt to e-administration.
Code of Conduct for Principal
The Principal should ensure quality, fairness and decorum in delivery of educational content and execution of overall works and activities of the institution. The prime responsibility of the Principal is to chalk out policy and plan to execute the vision and mission of the college. The Principal should form various college level committees/cells to achieve the goal of multifaceted development of the students. College Principal should:
- Respect the dignity of all the members of teaching and non-teaching staff.
- Conduct himself/herself with transparency, honesty, ethically and fairness.
- Promote a healthy work-culture.
- Promote and participate in extension, co-curricular, extra-curricular activities keeping the larger interest of students in mind.
- Provide motivational and inspirational support to all the stakeholders (students & teachers) of the educational institution.
- Conduct with fellow colleagues irrespective of caste, religion, creed and sex in their professional responsibilities.
- Monitor all financial matters efficiently.
- Ensure that the directions issued by the affiliating University, State Department of Higher Education and UGC are strictly complied with.
Code of Conduct for Governing Body
The Governing Body of the College, constituted as per rules and regulations of the affiliating University and Govt. of Haryana, is required to fulfil the mission and objectives of the College. Code of conduct to be abided by the members, office bearers and various nominees is well defined in relevant clauses of the calendar of the affiliating University. Further, the State Govt. also mandates strict compliance of its regulations to ensure lawful and transparent functioning.