Three-day ppt presentation and poster depiction activity

A three-day ppt presentation and poster depiction activity was organised by Dr. Geeta Goyal for the students of MA final on Toni Morrison’s Beloved from 10-12 June, 2021. Students participated enthusiastically in the event. Kush and Ritu, Sahil and Sonia, Santosh, Vikas and Monika presented ppts on various topics including ‘Slavery in America’, ‘Themes and Symbols in Beloved, ‘Issue of Race, Gender, Inequality or Sufferings of the Black’ whereas posters covering various aspects of the novel such as ‘Sethe-Beloved relationship’, ‘Themes and Symbols in Beloved’, ‘Major characters in Beloved’, ‘Denver-Sethe relationship’ were prepared and presented by Tamanna, Anju, Annu, Sahil, Veerpal and Kimtesh. Monika Sharma acted as student coordinator and Aman hosted the overall event. The Principal, HoD and faculty members from the department congratulated the students for the successful organisation of the event.